Friday, February 27, 2009

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If they didn't, then they would not have stood the test of time for thousands of years; nor would every mystic and every spiritual teacher that has ever lived have been consistent with this same Truth, "Be mindful of your words for they are powerful."

Affirmations are simple. Simply say what you want as if you already have it. Then, as your confidence picks up, stretch yourself to the next level of belief by asking for just a wee bit more!

A couple of quick do's:

Do state affirmations in the present tense - NOW.

Do keep them short and meaningful for you.

Do reach for as much as you can believe while not going so far that you doubt the possibility.

Do focus on the positive of what you want, not the negative of what you don't want.

Start with I or I AM; include positive emotions such as, "I am grateful."

When necessary, you may DENY the negative that you do not want during times of transition. In other words, if you KNOW you are doubtful and you can't speak positively without the feeling of doubt, then DENY the negative by REFUSING to accept it. It's perfectly acceptable to REFUSE to accept 'this poverty', 'this ailment', 'this failure'. Eventually, however, you'll want to get over the transition period and focus only on the positive outcome you intend.

Do use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to remove all doubt.

Here are some affirmation examples:

Health Affirmations:

- I put my desires and health first. I take care of myself. I honor my time.

- I am motivated and inspired to work out regularly and consistently.

- I love to exercise. I thrive on moving the energy. I feel good when I work out. I make exercise priority and it's effortless effort!

- There is nothing more important than my physical health. It is a way of life.

- I like the way I look and feel in any and all of my clothes.

- I feel and act trim and energetic at all times.

- I enjoy eating healthy and take time to plan my meals. I choose the food that makes my body celebrate.

- I eat fresh, raw, whole, organic fruits & vegetables frequently.

- I enjoy preparing my meals and snacks. I always have healthy snacks readily available.

- My skin is smooth and young and glowing with health.

- I cleanse my body and release refined sugar.

- I have a habit of educating myself on the effects of sugar and draw a book about this into my life.

Examples of affirmations to specifically heal a portion of

Examples of affirmations to specifically heal a portion of your body: (Knee example)

Regarding my Knee: I commit to:

- I focus on the truth that my knee is perfect and healthy right now.

- My perception of myself is the only thing that needs to be healed. Any evidence that I'm less than optimally healthy is a meaningless illusion whose purpose is to distort reality.

- I choose to commit to healing my knee.

- I do medical hypnosis on my knee every night before I go to sleep.

- I exercise my knee regularly.

- I turn all my fears over to God.

- I acknowledge healing happens when the sufferer no longer sees any value in pain.

- Decisions are of the mind, not the body. There is no gain to me at all in this knee problem.

- My knee is strong, stable, reliable, flexible and active. I now release all fears about this.

A Prayer example:

Universe - God - Help me know the Truth of my wholeness; the Truth of my Divine health and inspire me to take action to heal; and to allow healing to occur.

God, work your magic through me as I focus on healing myself. Shift me and help me to be open to feeling your loving energy.

Jesus, Master Healer, please assist me in this healing. I allow that Christ Conscious energy to flow through me at all times.


- I allow myself to feel, express and honor my full range of emotions and I express them freely and in the moment.

- I no longer repress or deny my feelings ever again. I claim my right to a broad range of emotions, now!


- I honor my time.

- When I am inspired, I say "yes" and when I am not inspired, I say "no." I allow myself to say no without guilt and without excuse.

- God, help me to say "no" lovingly and truthfully.

- I communicate my boundaries clearly and lovingly and say no when I want to say no.


- I delight in my wonderful adventures around the Globe. I've traveled from shore to shore and I'm delightfully open to more!

- I gratefully acknowledge my remarkable real estate savvy. I've purchased homes in a variety of different locations. All of which appeal to any number of my interests. I own waterfront, mountain-top, suburban, and urban properties.

- I so thoroughly enjoy my Meditation Room.


- My primary intent is to realize the presence of God within. It is not I alone that creates; but the consciousness of Spirit within that is my master creator.

- The pursuit of my spirit atonement is my primary purpose in life.

- I meditate daily and it's fun, effortless, natural and an essential part of my everyday life!

- I read and affirm my affirmations daily.

- I journal regularly.

- I seek peace first.

- I participate in a spiritual support group every week.

- Peace Reigns Supreme in My Life, now and always!

- I seek atonement. I am gratefully and completely connected to the power and the presence of God at all times.


- I experience and draw into my life many caring, loving, spiritually open and uplifting friends.

- I uplift and inspire and support my friends in a loving way.

- I am grateful for my fabulously aware friends.

- My friends are kind, loving, giving, honoring, integritous, and like-minded.

- My circle of friends is ever-expanding to match my highest ideal for intellectual and spiritual stimulation.


- I always speak lovingly and truthfully to my family.

- I uplift and support my children and other members of my family.

- I support my children mentally, spiritually and emotionally and continue to assist them to grow yet I allow them to make their own decisions.

- I am an awesome parent! I intend to be the best mom/dad I can be! I intend to continue being an aware conscious parent!

- I am a Conscious, Aware, Loving, Kind, Creative, Attentive and Consistent Mom/Dad. -My children are becoming conscious, self-regulating, loving, aware, conscious, spiritual, kind, considerate, well mannered, co-creators who develop and grow in alignment with their highest path of personal growth and fulfillment.


- I am grateful to have the means and resources to exert minimal effort for maximum returns.

- We attract spiritual seekers that are a perfect match to our life purpose and financial goals.

- Our website explodes with popularity and work of mouth travels. People are telling everyone they know!

- The upkeep on our website is a fun and easy process.

- I am grateful to know receive in excess of $5 Million for my share.

- I am grateful that I easily and effortlessly attract all the resources I require, when I require them, to do what I want, when I want!


- I have a loving, peaceful, considerate, thoughtful, compatible, supportive, communicative, easy, understanding, passionate and joyful relationship.

- I trust myself to make decisions wisely for my highest good and I honor my boundaries firmly and in every situation.

- I am thankful for my lessons. Now, I choose a relationship that is mutually supportive and uplifting on every level.

- My mate uplifts me to a heightened place of prosperity consciousness.

- I have all that I desire without compromise.

- I am deserving and worthy of an awesome relationship.

God, help me heal my past and help me forgive myself and my ex-partners for anything I may have judged us for. Help me to know we did the best we could, given our intellectual tools and state of enlightenment at that time.

Help me release my need to attract codependent partners and to honor my worth - and attract a healthy interdependent relationship.

Please help me see instantly and with crystal clear vision the compatibility of any partner that may enter into my life as a potential mate with my highest desires in mind.


- I am set free from the past and my financial mistakes of the past.

- I now face the present and future wise, secure and unafraid.

- I am grateful to receive $100,000 per month - free and clear! (NOTE: Use the amount that stretches you but does is not full of doubt. When I first started this, I was only able to imagine $15.00 an hour or about $1200.00 per month!)

- I release the burden of debt to the Christ within and I am free, clear and paid in full at all times.

- I now give and receive freely.

- Money is energy representing my inflow and outflow.

- Abundance is my Birthright and anything less than prosperity is an illusion. I reject the illusion of poverty and choose abundance, financial freedom and success.

- I am the embodiment of wealth.

- God, take away all inequity and deliver to me the truth of my being as a prosperous, rich child of a loving Father.

- The Universe spoils me!

- In the past, I was uncomfortable receiving, but now I recognize God's gifts and I now accept them gracefully and peacefully.

- I attract people that help me grow, and I now accept all loving gifts.

- All of my financial fears and questions are now put to rest easily.

- When the right home appears, the perfect financial means and/or lender is instantaneously available.

- I am Prosperous! I am grateful to now have a net worth in excess of 60.6 Million dollars! (NOTE: Again, use the amount that is the most realistic stretch for you at this time, while stretching yourself a little more as often as possible)

- I purchase anything I desire, when I desire it in cash.

- My obligations are always paid in full and in advance easily and effortlessly.

- I am an abundant child of a Rich Father in Heaven - Prosperity is my Birthright and I claim it now.

- I have more than enough to spare and to share.

- My income far exceeds all of my wants, needs and desires.

- I effortlessly give 10% of my income to where I feel spiritually fed and this feeds my soul and supports my life.


- I take time to enjoy the beauty and goodness that surrounds me.

- I maintain peace of mind in all situations.

- I forgive myself quickly and easily, learning my lessons and letting go.

- I look for the blessing in every event.

- I experience boundless enthusiasm and joy in my life.

- I now radiate unlimited love to others.

- I live a life that flows peacefully.

- I respond positively and enthusiastically to my inner guide, having and maintained close contact with that part of me.

- I am filled with creative ideas to benefit mankind.

- I act on these ideas without hesitation.

- I experience a lot of laughter!

- I have focus.

- I live a life where I am relaxed and free of stress.

- I live my dreams.

- I act with confidence and determination.

- I strongly attract that which is good and uplifting into my life.

Receive Anisa's FREE Conscious Creation 101: a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting by visiting Read more about manifesting and conscious creation by visiting and

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